Legal information

Editor :

The site is the property of the webdesigner named Pénoel KOUKOU. He is responsible for the publication on the site and the contents of this site engage only him and in no way the individuals, companies or businesses with which he is associated.

Hosting :

This site is hosted by LWS (Ligne Web Services), a French web hosting company.
75008 PARIS

Personal data :

By posting a comment on this site, your connection information (IP address, pseudonym and possibly e-mail address and website) may be recorded. This data is for internal use and will not be given or sold to third parties under any circumstances. You also have the right to access, modify and oppose your personal data recorded by the blog. To exercise this right, contact the site manager at

Comment moderation:

All comments posted on this site are moderated before publication.
The person in charge of the site reserves the right not to publish a comment, without having to justify himself or warn the author, in the following cases

  • defamatory, racist, pornographic, pedophile, inciting to hatred, crime or suicide,
  • comments reproducing private correspondence without the agreement of the persons concerned,
  • aggressive or vulgar comments,
  • comments whose only purpose is to link to an external site (comment spam or trackback/pingback).

NB: Because of moderation, it is normal that your comment does not appear immediately. It is therefore useless to post it several times.

Copyrights :

The contents of this site belong to the owner of the site and may not be used without permission.
Any other material contained on this site not belonging to us: photos, texts, images, logos, product names or brand names are the property of their respective owners.