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Divi, the most popular WordPress theme, with almost 1,000,000 downloads.
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Are you looking for the optimum fonts for coding?
As developer, you need suit font that make you feel comfortable when using code editors.
Discover in the following lines the best programming fonts for coding that minimize headaches, make coding easier, and improve your productivity.
Top Programming fonts for coding

Anomnymous pro is a group of four fixed-width fonts launched in 2009.
This font parent is Anonymous launched in 2001, it embedded bitmaps for smaller sizes.
It proposes an international character set based on Unicode, with support for most Western and Central European Latin languages, as well as Greek and Cyrillic.
There OS-specific recommendations, you must follow to use it efficiently.

Cascadia code is the default font in Visual Studio.
It’s a fun, monospaced font which is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
Cascadia code is the standard version of Cascadia, Cascadia Mono and Cascadia (Code|Mono) PL are the others versions of Cascadia.
Cascadia Code formats are ttf variable, ttf static, otf static, WOFF2.

Consolas is specially for circumstances where a monospaced font is specified, it is a font proposed by Microsoft.
This font for coding is the perfect one for business and personal correspondence, it makes readers comfortable in reading extended text on screen.
His styles available are regular, bold, bold italic and italic.

Dank Mono is a monospaced coding font with ligatures, bold and italic style.
This font for programming included character set includes lowercase and lattin uppercase letters.
Dank Mono covers an exhaustive list of terminal glyphs (powerline symbols, shades, arrows, circles and unicode block symbols), math symbols and basic Greek glyphs.
Its formats are WOFF2, OTF, TTF.

DejaVu Font is a based-on Vera Fonts, it supports Latin, Greek, Armenian, Cyrillic and Georgian scripts.
The claimed on their presentation page that their purpose is to provide a wider range of characters while maintaining the original look and feel through the process of collaborative development.
DejaVu Fonts family are published in source form as Spline Font Database and in compiled form as TrueType Fonts files.

Dina font family provides Regular, italic and bold styles, its all styles are the same width for proper alignment.
It’s a monospace font relatively compact to allow a lot of code on screen, while clear enough to remain readable even at high resolutions.
This font is based on Proggy font and allow you to work with it in the long run.

Fira code is a free project with no funding and a feature request backlog.
It is a free monospaced font with programming ligatures.
This font renders feature: underlying code remains ASCII-compatible, and it helps to read and understand code faster.
It comes with a variety of arrows that you can combine however you want!

Gintronic font family is designed to make it pleasant to constantly work with code, it avoids a robotic look and helps information to breathe.
This font for programming designed by Marc Fromberg available styles are: thin, thin italic, light, light italic, regular, italic, medium, medium italic, bold, bold italic, black, black italic.
Gintronic includes 1174 glyphs, it provodes Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, numberless technical symbols, box-drawing-glyphs and bountiful figures, math signs and arrows.

Hack free and open-source font family is free to modify, free for print, desktop and web and free for commercial use according to his designers.
It features to improve legibility in the harsh conditions of the screen.
Letters, punctuation, and symbols are well-balanced and easily distinguished.
Its regular weight is comfortable to read at the small text sizes used for source code development.

Input has aesthethic monospaced font and pixel fonts designed for console and screen.
This font family has generous spacing, large punctuation and easily distinguishable characters.
It departs from the limitations of the pixel grid to become a powerful and flexible system of widths, weights, and styles, each with Sans, Serif, and Monospaced variants.
With all of these variations, this font includes a grand total 168 separate styles. That might seem like overkill, and maybe it is. But the idea is to give you the flexibility to choose a few fonts that best meet your needs.

Jetbrains font family has as slightly wider letters, it’s standard-width letters help keep lines to the expected length.
It’s typeface forms are simple and free from unnecessary details. Rendered in small sizes, the text looks crisper.
The easier the forms, the faster the eye perceives them and the less effort the brain needs to process them.
It supports more than 170 languages.

Monoid is a free and an open-source customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap like sharpness.
Its styles are regular, bold, oblique and retina versions, it supports latin, greek, cyrillic, ligature, alternate and Powerline glyphs.
You can combine it with font awesome to see icons directly in your code.

Proggy monospaced fonts for are all fixed-width and designed for programming.
Its vector available in these formats: WOFF, SVG, EOT, TTF, OTF, the original Proggy is distributed as ttf, fon, pcf, and dfont files.
This font has two variants: Proggy dotted and Proggy crossed.

Roboto has mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric, and at the same time, it features friendly and open curves.
It allows letters to be settled into their natural width.
This font for programming is optimized for readability on screens across a wide variety of devices and reading environments.

Source Code Pro is a set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well in user interface environments designed by Paul D.
This font preserves the design features and vertical proportions of Source Sans, but alters the glyph widths so that they are uniform across all glyphs and weights.
It currently supports a wide range of languages using the Latin script, and includes all the characters in the Adobe Latin 4 glyph set.

Sudo is a monospaced font for programmers and command line users.
It has no ligatures, but supports all common powerline glyphs out of the box.
It is legible, space-efficient and unique.
There is another version called Sudo UI which is a proportional variant.
It designed by Jens Kutilek and is free for commercial use.

The Ubuntu font development is being funded by Canonical Ltd on behalf the wider Free Software community and the Ubuntu project.
The technical font design work and implementation is being undertaken by Dalton Maag.
This font for coding was started to enable the personality of Ubuntu to be seen and felt in every menu, button and dialog.
The typeface is sans-serif, uses OpenType features and is manually hinted for clarity on desktop and mobile computing screens.
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The editor code has a default font for coding, you have the possibility to replace it by the one that suits your tastes.
The fonts for coding presented in this post are unique, try them and choose the one that works best for you.
Thanks for reading! Hopeful this compilation is useful for you.